Home Lifestyle How to Create a Space that’s Perfect for Having Large Outdoor Family Gatherings

How to Create a Space that’s Perfect for Having Large Outdoor Family Gatherings

How to Create a Space that's Perfect for Having Large Outdoor Family Gatherings
Image Source: unsplash.com

If you’ve got a large enough family, you’ll know that sometimes the only place they can eat is outside due to sheer numbers and space. A meal in the garden doesn’t have to be a punishment. In fact, it can be a lovely get-together, but how should you go about it? What can you do to take your garden from the place where you weed and your kids get muddy into the place you can present to extended family and be proud? We have a few ideas on how to take your garden from a patch of grass to the hottest hangout in the neighborhood.

The Right Drinks

There are a few different ways that you can incorporate a good drink with dinner, but we’re not here to ask the price of a bottle of Lafite Rothschild, but instead where you would store this delicious wine. See, right before the lockdown was enforced, bar carts were growing in popularity, but with only the homeware stores open and nothing else to do, people decided they needed a project and started making their own bars in their gardens.

So that’s two options right there. A small and tasteful bar cart will give you something to pull out that is holding your best wines, a cocktail shaker, and some glasses. It’s part practical addition to the garden and part decorative statement.

On the other hand, if you make your own garden bar, essentially from a tweaked shed, you’ll have enough room for a keg, maybe even a TV, and a few stools.

The Right Patio Set

Arguably more important than the drinks at the family do is the seating. If you’ve got a large family you might notice that the patio sets that look like outdoor versions of the dining table are a little limiting. They come with six chairs, therefore, you can fit six people around the table or some people will be eating in the grass. On the other hand, if you were to get a table with benches, you can fit as many people as are willing to squeeze in there. You have a more casual experience that allows people to move around.

Even more casually with even more freedom to move, you can invest in patio furniture that looks more akin to a circle sofa. Place a table in the center or omit that for a fire pit and you’ve got a cozy place where everyone has enough room to move and converse.

The Right Lighting

The fun bit is always the lighting. Once you have the furniture sorted, there is a lot of DIY that can occur in making the right atmosphere in your garden. A few flowerpots with a pole held in place with cement can make for a great canopy. Drape mesh curtains and fairy lights over it for some easy atmosphere – and a washing line when guests aren’t around. Additionally, add a few lanterns with standing candles in them for a nice glow as the sun sets.

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