Home Real Estate 5 Natural Disaster Hazards You Need to Be Aware of When Buying a Home
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5 Natural Disaster Hazards You Need to Be Aware of When Buying a Home

Be Aware of When Buying a Home

Are you a new homeowner or shopping for your first property? You may be used to the landlord covering your expenses when a natural disaster strikes, but you’ll need to foot the bill as a homeowner.

Here is your ultimate guide to the most common natural disaster hazards that can occur. Read on to learn what they are and how best to handle them.

1. Wildfires

If you live in a hot, dry area, wildfires can wreak havoc quickly. They are especially common in areas like California, where the dry brush and extended drought periods are a tinderbox.

Go through an evacuation plan with your family in case of wildfires. Sometimes you will need to evacuate quickly. It’s best to have all of your essentials packed and ready to go when there is a wildfire near your home.

2. Hurricanes

If you live on the East Coast or in the southern United States, hurricanes can be incredibly destructive. Storm damage can cause you to lose your home completely, and destroy all of your belongings.

Hurricanes fall into five categories, with Category 5 being the most lethal. Pay attention to evacuation warnings and get out if you can. If you have to ride it out, prepare your home and have supplies on hand in case the power goes out.

3. Tornadoes

You may have seen a tornado in The Wizard of Oz, but they are very real and very deadly. Tornadoes typically occur in the Central Plains region of the United States, with a region even nicknamed “Tornado Alley.”

If your home isn’t equipped with a tornado shelter, you may want to invest in one. You and your family can quickly get underground at short notice and ride out a tornado if it goes over your property.

Tornadoes are fierce, but they pass by quickly. Keep some essentials in your tornado shelter, such as flashlights, batteries, nonperishable food, and things to do.

4. Earthquakes

You can’t necessarily prepare for an earthquake, which makes them incredibly dangerous. As a homeowner, what you do before the earthquake can make all the difference.

Have enough food, water, and supplies for several days. Depending on the magnitude of the earthquake, it could easily cause downed lines and power outages.

Immediately after the earthquake, check you and your loved ones for injuries.

5. Flooding

Flooding is a side effect of many natural disasters, from tropical storms to hurricanes. Even a simple rainstorm can cause major flooding if your infrastructure isn’t equipped for heavy rain.

Buying flood insurance is essential to protect your home from liability. Research the price of flood insurance in your area, such as Zone AE flood insurance cost.

Watch Out for These National Disaster Hazards

No matter where you live, natural disaster hazards are always something you need to watch out for. With this guide, you’ll be prepared for any harm that comes your way.

Want to know more about how to take care of your home, your family, and your property? Our blog has all the answers you need.

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