Home Sales and Marketing Best Digital Marketing Tools in 2023
Sales and Marketing

Best Digital Marketing Tools in 2023

best digital marketing tools

Your business prevails at a time, when:

  • Amidst the 7.7 billion of the global population, over 2.1 billion prefer to buy at the ‘net’


  • On an overall spectrum, digital advertisements prove about 10X more potential than those traditional billboards in giving ‘hike’ to a brand’s both customer acquisition and retention levels

So, as opine those top digital marketing agencies, to fulfill those core commercial goals of-

  • Selling More
  • Doubled-Up Quotient of Loyal and Long-term Customers
  • Enhancing Own Annual Profit Benchmark
  • Brand’s Recognition Across the Borders

you, in the present times, must opt for digital marketing.

Some concrete statistics to support this ‘must’? In here they come:

  • 46% of modern-day consumers are more likely to purchase from a business after viewing its video ads over the World Wide Web.
  • Amongst the Smart Phone users, over 51% claim to ‘spot’ new commerce or service (national/local) through the mobile web only.
  • Brand engagement can experience over 22% ‘boost’ by the tactical blend of text and video campaigns on the digital platform.
  • By just appearing at the mobile search engine results, global alertness about your brand can grow by around 46%.
  • 37% of buyers resort to social media for getting ‘influenced’ about a business’s quality and thus be stimulated to interact with it.
  • 72% of regular online shoppers expect existing businesses to announce discounts and special sales over social media.
  • Marketers worldwide vow to accomplish an ROI of $2 on each dollar ‘put in’ for implementing Google Ads.
  • In 2021, the total worldwide investment over the digital marketing module will rise to the mark of $375 billion.

Are you convinced now for adopting the modern-day life-line of commerce? Well, hold for a while.

In accordance with the most revered 360-degree digital branding agency, internet marketing can nurture your business with real-time holistic ‘growth’ only when you devise it at par with the ‘flavor of the time’.

The essence of the statement? You require recognizing ongoing year’s –

  • Trending customer behaviors
  • Their preferred ways of knowing about a merchandise/facility and accessing it
  • The most ‘in’ aspects of web promotion
  • Online shoppers’ prime expectations while viewing brand advertisements

and structure own commerce’s digital marketing model, fine-tuned with them, to strengthen success scope by a 20X ‘more’ of the quotient for that same year.

Now, to guide you frame the perfect plan-of-action for 2019, this ‘piece’ upholds those specific tools of web promotion, which fittingly complement trends of online shopping right now.

Best Digital Marketing Tools to Have in 2021

Visual Search: And Why the Vote For It?

The consumers you are going to interact with retain:

  • An attention span is varying within 8-12 seconds.

And the human brain is potent to ‘consume’ –

  • 90% of information is preserved within an image or graphics within 13 milliseconds.

Are you getting the connection? Yes, to tell ‘what’s on offer’to today’s ‘concentration-short’ online customers, dynamic-standard visuals and GIFS appear as your ‘best fit’ equipment.

As a matter of fact,

  • 69% of the millennial customers feel more comfortable to reach a brand/take buying decisions basing upon view-based searches
  • 19% of recurring searches at Google are image related


  • The image promotion market now stands at a value of $25.65 billion

Endeavor for brand endorsement at the world’s largest visual marketing platform Pinterest that –

  • Records over 600 million searches/each month
  • Delivers a consistent 8.5% growth in conversion to businesses attached via Pinterest Ads

And attune own product (s) inventory with the distinctive Google Lens trait, which:

  • By the adept usage of AI not only processes the USPs of a merchandise image for a user but also readily presents to the next-best alternatives, star ratings, and nearest retailers to gain it.

Along with following the best practices of –

  • Correct schema mark-up
  • SEO-fit metadata of every graphic
  • Including into own sitemap vital information about each page’s highlighted images

Mobile-First Marketing: What are the Exact Gains?

It may have been enough by citing Google’s latest practice of Mobile-First Indexing (Considering a website’s mobile version as the best one) for business’s SERP ranking as the answer to this query –

But, in the words of a veteran 360-degree digital marketing Singapore house, to let you realize the ‘immediacy’ and most striking benefits of this approach, here are presented some key insights:

  • At present, hand-held gadgets comprise over 52% of the total traffic generated at the net
  • Smartphones contribute 64% to the quotient of conversion accomplished from digital marketing
  • Advertisement emails are 180% ‘more’ likely to be opened when accessed through mobile-type devices
  • 57% of purchasers will spread the negative ‘word’ about your brand if acquiring a below-the-standard mobile UX from your domain/app
  • 71% of globally-known brands acknowledge mobile marketing as prime to their overall internet advertisement module
  • Amidst online retail purchases, 34% happen through the hand-held gizmos
  • In the US digital marketing scenario, mobile-based campaigns account for 72% of the total expenditure over internet ads

Aware now over the significance of ‘Mobile-First’? Then wait no more to enrich own virtual marketing module with few best practices like:

  • Syncing-in own ‘e-identity’ with Google’s ‘Near Me’ Search Option since –
  • 88% of mobile buyers searching for a local commerce showcase the habit of interacting with it by a 24 hours pace
  • Localized mobile searches contribute to about 78X of offline sales
  • 82% of shopaholics readily opt for their smart gizmo to cross-check a commerce’s customer reviews, product ratings, and online reputations prior to actualizing at-the-store purchase
  • Configuring content by a ‘Break-Down’ style (through the inclusion of more bullet points, subheads, and short paragraphs) and offering adept viewability and readability ease too –
  • That 91% of ‘netizens’ for whom effortless access to and consumption of brand’s content through phone/tab matters much prior to connecting with it.
  • Creating custom-made ads focusing on the target market’s demography, culture, and shop-time habits –
  • Brands speak about acquiring 107% boost in their in-store footfalls – as a result of this strategy
  • Continually ‘knocking upon’ the potential leads through multiple messaging mediums ranging from push notifications to in-app messages and Facebook Messenger to WhatsApp because –
  • If presented with a scope, more than 50% of mobile customers will prefer to ‘talk’ with your business via the messaging platform.

Are You Prepared for Voice Search?

As revealed concurrent research of the best digital agency

  • The last year recorded more than a billion/month voice searches for commercial purposes
  • 55% of that 18-24 age group – the most persistent online shoppers are habituated to utilizing voice search to access business daily
  • Amidst the regular Voice Assistant users, 46% pursue a nearby store/trade each day
  • 62% of US customers report having completed their entire purchase journey through their smart speakers during 2018
  • Shopping via Voice Assistants (in US and UK) is predicted to scale to a $40 billion benchmark by the end of 2022
  • By Gartner Quadrant, with the arrival of 2020, 30% of user interaction with brands over the web will happen without screens
  • By 2020, amidst the total quotient of searches generated throughout the Internet, 50% will be voice-based

The exact hour your marketing module ‘syncs in’ with the prevalent Voice Assistants, right? From content to advertisements and featured snippets to keywords– be compatible with Voice Search optimally.

Heard About Micro-Influencers?

When it comes to the users’ outlook toward brand advertisements and product reviews, 2019’s customer fraternity showcases one significant ‘shift’ in perception. To grow any online business earning good reviews is one of the most essential factors. Most customers check reviews before buying any product online.

Over those ‘make-believe’ celebrity feeds, today’s consumers prefer to know “what’s the talk” about a certain brand and views about one specific product amidst their peers and social media friends. You can also grow your social media views, likes, and followers through many online service providers. These providers also can help you to buy Instagram reel views.

In fact –

  • 84% of regular digital buyers state to have been good-enough influenced by real-time user-generated content while selecting one business amidst multiple

Highlighting/ ‘Sharing’ opinions of actual customers, otherwise known as ‘Micro-Influencers’ on own site and social media profiles is an emerging digital marketing strategy increasingly banked upon by –

  • Over 67% of veteran marketers across the border consistently generate quality leads

And, to speak of results, comes up the example of an internationally-reputed restaurant chain, which: 

  • Proclaims to have experienced over 70% ‘boost’ in own star ratings (from 10% to 80%) through this definite campaign tool.

Not by the glamour of celebrity endorsements, but through the transparency and conviction preserved within real thoughts and criticisms – an attempt to get ‘recognized’ this.

Still Not Compatible with AI?

Then your 360-degree digital marketing strategy is not even half-done.

Say one thing. What is the prime benefit fetched by internet-based marketing to businesses – as upheld by experts? To let brands interact with potential customers in a more specific and smarter maneuver, right?

AI enriches the inherent benchmark of both these ‘S’ factors. Banking upon it you can –

  • Analyze the existing and upcoming business data inclusive of correct future predictions
  • Flawlessly interpret the contemporary buying pattern and certain sequences of consumer behaviors
  • Assess the social media activity and other vital web interactions and rankings of rivals
  • Perfectly detect the exact desires and expectations of ‘netizens’ while they shop online
  • Offer maximum support and the most fitting guidance to prospective clients at every stage of their journey with your brand
  • Readily discover new customers matching the demography of the existing clientele base
  • Target consumers in an optimally specific manner such as through zip codes and districts

Moreover, as pointed out by the top digital marketing agencies, AI frees your advertisements from their ‘interruptive’ feature by helping you to: 

  • Integrate them at the very background of the brand story and site videos in the most spontaneous style
  • Custom-make ads corresponding to the user’s browsing context and lessen their quotient of inappropriateness

and therein –

  • ‘Save’ and even enhance its own brand repute to that 91% of online shoppers, to whom digital ads have become even more ‘bothering’ over the past two years. 

Be AI-attuned to fittingly compete with 1.8billion+ websites endeavoring to acquire and retain quality clients.

Can You Market Cross-Channel? 

You are an entrepreneur of the IoT age, where data transmission between and across devices and software happens in the most continuous of fashion.

Utilizing around 2.3 gadgets simultaneously appears as the ready habit of over 90% of global customers, with 87% desiring a trouble-free, uninterrupted, and fast UX from brands when accessed in a cross-channel way.

Thus, if you generate leads and gain lifelong clients in 2019, your digital marketing module must and must serve the Omni-platform style. Make ground preparations for –

  • Supporting that 35% of ‘netizens’ who wish to interact with one particular customer associate of business across the gadgets
  • Streamlining the in-store staff over the latest status and price structure of your online stock – since after walking into the shop, 45% will endeavor to weigh between qualities, collections, and costs between the physical and digital inventory
  • Being rightfully present at every purchase touch-point and giving a comprehensive UX to 50% online shoppers, who resort to 4 different gizmos – varying within PCs to Voice Assistant to complete one definite purchase

And let the benefits of:

  • 91% rise in customer retention rate
  • 5% additional yearly profit by 7.5% reduced cost/consumer
  • 30X higher lifetime value of arrived-through-cross-channel clients

flourish your commerce.

How Will You Response?

Through your own upscale standard CRM module, is your answer, right? Or, on a more advanced level, via evolved-quality Chatbots.

However, here you need to recognize an important change in 2019’s purchasers’ attitude. The overwhelming occupation of social media in recent-age users’ livelihood makes:

  • 63% to desire customer service over social platforms from businesses
  • 42% expect a solution of their ‘issue(s)’ highlighted at such domains within 60 minutes
  • 71% review in favor of brands catering flawless customer service through social media

It is the minute to synchronize your social-based consumer data and interactions with them with CRM and other service-related chat tools to reply and resolve even ‘more’ correctly.

Some More Tips?

While the above 7 tools have been especially highlighted given their adept relevance to contemporary shoppers’ digital preferences and expectations, do not overlook the potentialities of –

Micro-Moment Influences

By fulfilling customers’ spontaneous ‘wants’ during those “I Want to Know/Do/Go/Buy” moments right then, you emerge as one valuable ‘friend’ of theirs during web sessions, strengthening their own brand’s indispensability.

Video-based Promotion

How well does a 144X ‘hike’ in product purchase and a 50% boost in user recognition sound? Marvelous? Fetch both by configuring your own internet promotion structure with as many leading-edge videos – of product descriptions, certain ‘how-tos’ related to your commerce, and corresponding lifestyle tips. Recognize, by 2020; video content will be responsible for driving over 79% of the internet’s quality traffic.

Value of Quality Content

To date at Google’s first SERP stay, those content pieces whose word-count range between 1150 – 1280 and amidst all the other ‘hacks’, the strategy of 16 blog posts/month succeeds in bringing home around 3.5tX higher quotient of quality traffic.

So, while focusing on the AI ability, do not forget to explore the ‘human’ potentiality to develop and curate mind-engaging articles and write-ups – lengthy in format but most crisp to ‘browse through’.

Going ‘Live’

And why? Because statistics exhibit that distinguished Facebook videos, live feeds and Instagram Stories of brands:

  • Announcing newly added customer facilities, period-specific ‘price-cut-offs’
  • Unveiling a long-awaited product
  • Engaging indefinite conversations with consumers
  • Giving a ‘peek-a-boo’ into its own work culture/factory sites/employee events

Influence 70X digital buyers, worldwide, to eventually purchase and connect with the business.

May net marketing multiply your success score!

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