Home Technology Microsoft SQL vs Mysql: What Are the Differences?

Microsoft SQL vs Mysql: What Are the Differences?

Microsoft SQL vs Mysql: What Are the Differences?

Did you know that there are more than 26 million active e-commerce websites as of 2022? There are a lot of sites and thus a ton of data that requires management.

Fortunately, database management systems like Microsoft SQL and MySQL exist. But what are the differences and which is better when it comes to Microsoft SQL vs MySQL?

The following MySQL and Microsoft SQL guide will break down the features that set them apart. Read on to discover which system is worthy of managing your data.

What Is Microsoft SQL?

Microsoft SQL Server is one of the market’s leading relational database management systems available today. It performs a variety of software applications for companies such as analysis and intelligence.

MSSQL is based on the Transact-SQL language and includes a collection of common language extensions for programming. Its application gets used both in the cloud and on-site. You can buy SQL server 2019 standard by Microsoft for an affordable price.

It’s best known for its excellent visual interface and managing data seamlessly without complications. Websites that require members to register and log in especially benefit from MSSQL’s features.

What Is MySQL?

MySQL is currently the most used open-source database in the world. Many highly accessed applications use MySQL for power. Application examples include Twitter, Facebook, Uber Airbnb, Netflix, and Shopify.

It has offered multiple features designed with its users in mind for over 25 years. Because it’s been around for so long, it’s extremely likely that your preferred programming or application language gets support from MySQL Database.

MySQL only takes developers a few minutes to install and it’s simple to manage. Plus, it has a large and ever-growing community ready to offer MySQL tips and tricks.

How Are They Similar?

Both MySQL and Microsoft SQL employ the traditional table model for data storage using columns and rows. They both offer exceptional performance speeds so that users can store data as fast as possible.

MySQL and Microsoft SQL leverage foreign and primary keys for building connections between tables. Both have the features to help you scale a business as it grows. They’re both great for projects of various sizes and support millions of transactions each day.

The platforms both have very similar syntax with only a few small differences. They each use connection drivers to help avoid complex coding.

How Are They Different?

MySQL is completely free because it is open source, but you might still end up paying money if you need support. However, Microsoft SQL requires users to have licenses for their servers which makes it much more expensive.

MSSQL and MySQL were both created as binary collections, but MySQL lets developers use binaries as it runs. Also, developers can manipulate the database files during runtime.

As for Microsoft SQL, it stops processes from controlling or accessing database files or binaries. So, hackers can’t achieve any direct manipulation of data or access it to begin with.

Microsoft SQL vs MySQL

Both MySQL and MSSQL can manage software projects of any size and perform very similarly. Of course, MySQL’s free offering might be the best option for a tight budget. When it comes to Microsoft SQL vs MySQL security, MSSQL is the safer option by far.

Determine your budget and the sensitivity of your business‘s data before choosing between the management systems. Take a look at our business and technology categories for more practical tips.

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